Rai Island

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A progressive romance roleplay on Rai Island.

Welcome to Rai Island!

This is a progressive
(Anime Style) Roleplay Forum!

This Roleplay takes place within the sandy white shores of Rai Island, which is located in the American territory of the vast Atlantic Ocean. Rai Island is known worldwide for its remarkably brilliant boarding school, Valevay High. The students that attend and manage to survive its rigorous courses and earn a diploma are highly sought after for their knowledge and talent, seeing as only the most gifted and intelligent students graduate with their class. Aside from Valevay there are a number of schools your character can attend (from primary to college) located throughout the island! Keep in mind you need more than books smarts to survive Rai Island. You’ve got to be strong-willed and able to handle yourself in tough situations… not all the island dwellers are neighborly; it does have its handful of ruffians. Keep your head up, your wits sharp, and most of all have fun!


Who shall be the next Spotlight? Please one choice per Creator.
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Total Votes : 11

Currents News:
Forum Remodel Complete!
Thread Cleaning: Soon
Character Thread Cleaning: In Progress
Any Questions on why your character was removed from the Customs Office get in contact with Hina or Lin. Don't know who these lovely ladies are? Then you don't belong on this forum!
Newcomers Open Enrollment : Currently Closed

Upcoming Events:
Valevay Homecoming
Halloween Party (Invite Only)

The Roleplay's Date and Weather:
Month : September
Weather : Hi(81') Lo(63')
Forecast: Expect morning showers, but no worries they wont stick around for long by this afternoon there will be clear skies for all those planned outdoor activities! Lucky for all you stargazers out there tonight there will be very little cloud cover leaving the skies clear for enjoyment!

Character Spotlight

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Kyren Ari Stills

Hello there my fellow Roleplayers!
Sorry for the delay but "Mr. Rodeo" had too much personality for just one month! Anyways lets kick him to the curb now and welcome our newest and most anticipated character, Mr. Moody himself,

Kyren Stills

From the words of our lovely Sui, "Like a true Cancer, he is moody and reserved!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

True this young man is rather rough around the edges. Far from your "friendly" average highschooler. Secluding himself majority of the time Kyren immerses his attention and talent into his sketchbook. However his stoic aura is shaken only when his adorkable little sister, Emma is in his presence! If your lucky (very very very lucky) when she shows up you may even see him crack a smile. And who knows he may even have a smile that makes girl's swoon! But it's usually gone just a quickly as it appeared.

Okay, lets just get it out of the way and say this boy has an undeniable sister complex! Unwavering in fact! After loosing their father at a young age Kyren promised to protect her in his Dads place. He spends the majority of his time making sure Emma is happy and healthy! Also for her own good he battles to keep the Samo strays far away from her. Now Kyren isn't ALWAYS, as his creator may claim, a Drama King! He can be very compassionate and more than willing to treat you as family if he finds you trustworthy and you become close enough with him.

So, some advice when crossing paths with this eyeliner wearing teen. Keep your loud antic to yourself they certainly don't impress him (just ask Lena)! Keep sugar out of his reach, it makes his do very very bad things! ;) && Don't and I mean DON'T touch his sister!
Follow these simple rules, and you might survive!

Now off to the Interview! This one should be a HOOT!

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Okay, so we know that over the past several months there has been very little activity in the roleplay! But really that wasn't the intial point in creating this forum in the first place.
Rai Island is what brought us all together. It's our home away from home, so to speak! We are not just a Forum full of gifted and creative writers . . . however a place full of wacky and crazy friends ;)
A place where we are creating unforgettable memories!

Even though we are constantly changing and still knee deep in finding ourselves in the world; we know that through the tears that fall and the smiles that grace our faces we will always have each other! Because no matter where our lives take us, nothing will change so much that we are not all friends still!

&& We will always have RaiIsland to come back to! Our Island ♥
Okay, okay enough of the cheesiness!
I love you CRAZY ladies!
tiny heart photo: Tiny Heart Gif GifHeart.gif Always, Raye

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2 posters

    Some TLC, ASAP

    Buster Neally
    Buster Neally

    Posts : 195
    Join date : 2023-02-16

    Some TLC, ASAP Empty Some TLC, ASAP

    Post  Buster Neally Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:54 am

    An entire week.

    At least, he thought it had been a week anyway. It was really hard to tell when disgusting human slavers have been injecting him with sedatives ever since their capture. The food they'd been given had been laced him it too... or at least his was. Buster hadn't been able to tell if John's had been laced with it too or not. There wasn't a whole heck of a lot that could get to the wolf, whether it was due to his mass or his sheer stubborn idiocy.

    If only that trait had been attributed to him as well.

    But no, that was the downside of his quick wit and lithe body - he wasn't dumb enough for things not to affect him. Which is why the slavers used so much of the sedative. It was effective on him but it had to be administered often or his metabolism would burn it up quickly, especially if he moved around quite a bit.

    This last day had been the absolute worst. Because while the boy had wished he hadn't had to experience being raped every night - why couldn't they have knocked him out entirely?- they had overloaded him during their march to the duchess's lands. At least, he'd heard the word 'duchess' sometime while partially coherent and figured that she must have purchased them. Probably.

    Considering his skills in espionage, he knew many things about the human enemies that plagued the beastkin... but he'd be hard pressed to dredge any of those things up right about now. The last thing he remembered sort of clearly was that he was puking on the floor in some chamber made of bubbling meat and the faeries had come to magic away the vomit.

    And then he was still feeling a bit weird for a while when suddenly the faeries stole his pants. Buster was alright with that but before he could do anything, a giant viper knocked him down and slithered atop him, despite his stomach still roiling noisily and the bile threatening to purge his guts if he moved at all.

    Uncertain why the viper decided to get him erect, it - she, apparently - opened up her insides to either fuck him or lay eggs in his dick and he pitched forward and retched all over her. She mutated into something resembling a hideously deformed, hairless human infant but then suddenly the world's ugliest baby turned into a squealing pig and the next thing he knew, he was being dragged away outside somewhere.

    Still naked.

    With as much as he'd vomited, Buster's mind started to clear up a little bit. He could tell that a man was taking him somewhere and also carrying his pants, but he had no idea where. His ears picked up voices all around them but he was too tired to listen and try to make sense of what he was hearing. The sky was green and blue still tasted like cheese right now, so his senses weren't back to normal yet.

    At least there was nothing left in his stomach. Now if Buster could only figure out where he was being taken, he might be able to figure out what's going on.
    Lucia Ka’Uhane
    Lucia Ka’Uhane

    Posts : 190
    Join date : 2023-02-16

    Some TLC, ASAP Empty Re: Some TLC, ASAP

    Post  Lucia Ka’Uhane Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:16 pm

    Lu happily stretched her arms up and over her head under the bright morning sun as she made her way out of the stuffy lab she lived in with her two friends, hopping down the front steps merrily as her lopped ears flopped behind her, excited for the rare break that they'd been gifted with today.

    Not too long ago, Celi had come bolting back into lab, her face flush and her poor little frame panting for dear life as she tried to regain her breath. Lu had immediately thought the worse, and figured the assassin had come back and attacked her. But Celi only shook her head no, saying it was something else, but never saying what that something was.

    Shrugging it off, thinking the duchess had simply done something lewd again, the rabbit had helped her friend calm down and have a light snack before their usual morning lessons. The two of them even managing to pull Mimi out of bed in time, only for them to receive word from a maid that there would be no studies that morning, and that they were free to do what they liked until research began later that afternoon.

    Immediately, the younger fox had trotted off back to her room, her fluffy tail wagging happily as she planned to jump right back into bed for a few more hours of sleep. While her older sister had taken off to her garden, the fox saying that she needed a breather and would be back again later.

    Lu, not feeling too tired and not wanting to stay cooped up inside on such a nice day, had opted to go hang out at her favorite spot by the pond, planning on packing herself some food to much on as she lazily relaxed under a tree or swam.

    However, no sooner had she stepped outside, did she see the duchess's aid hastily making his way towards her with a large beast being dragged behind him. Ramund had always been a stern type of guy who followed the duchess's orders to a T, and though he was tall and fairly slim for a human, the man was a master of body enhancement magic. Which is why he was having no struggles at all with lugging the heavy beast behind him, or lifting him up before her with just one hand.

    "You, take care of this one for now, he and another are your new guards" And like that he was gone, dropping the larger rabbit and some clothes on top of her without nary a warning before turning around and quickly strutting back to his master's side.

    "Dammit Mund! A little warning next time!" She shouted, barely able to catch the guy before they'd both slumped down onto the ground under his weight, but she knew her complaints only landed on deaf ears.

    Looking down at the unconscious charge in her arms, his head resting comfortably on her tanned chest while his ears brush lightly against her cheek, Lu gagged a bit as she caught the whiff of vomit and other things emanating from him.

    "You sir, need a bath" She muttered, calling forth her own magic to help her carry him to the pond so they could both get cleaned up and so that she could still have her rest day.

    Gradually a large fluffy white cloud appeared underneath the larger rabbit's form, lifting him up off of her and into the air just a few feet off the ground. Settling her wicker basket of food under her arm again, and picking up the clothes Ramund had dropped, Lu motioned for the cloud to follow behind her as she led the way to her favorite spot.

    Once there, she quickly settling herself down under a comfortable tree, and with a wave of her hand the cloud lowered and disappeared, setting the beast gently to the ground with his head resting on her lap so she could survey the damage.

    The first thing she noticed was that he was very much naked, the clothes lying off to her side now clicking in her brain as his as her sights landed on was the monstrous cock lying heavily between his legs. She gulped at the sight, licking her lips hungrily as she could already feel her heat starting to kick in at the sight of a naked male before her, and one that was seriously packing at that!

    But no! She shook her head, she couldn't, not with him clearly so out of it like this!

    So doing her best to stay focused, Lu noticed how his fur was caked with vomit and grime, the stench helping her not get too distracted as she waved a hand and called forth a stream of water from the nearby pond to clean him.

    Gently, she washed the filth away from his face, and then his front and finally his back, taking extra care to massage the warmed water into his thick coat so that it'd be perfectly clean and spotless.

    It was only until his dick remained that she'd even dared to look at it again, the beastkin's dick still resting heavily between his thighs, stiffened but certainly not fully hard.

    She swallowed hard, knowing that she should probably clean him there as well, but also wondering if she really should.

    Lu was no blushing idiot when it came to sex and the sexual world, even though she herself was a virgin, just as the other girls here were. But as a rabbit, her instincts to mate were simply far the stronger than the others, so she knew the whole story of fucking and breeding down to her very core.

    Something that plagued her more often than not, since there were no males around for her to mess with.

    But the rabbit was also fully aware of what the humans liked to do to her kind in particular, their traits for mating making them ideal fuck toys and playthings for those they served.

    And Lu could tell at a glance that this guy had been through the ringer.

    His fur had been caked with not only his own cum, but that of many others, her nose telling her as much and her heart broke for the guy and the abuse he'd clearly suffered.

    What's worse was that he'd been bought by the duchess, who was well known for her tastes in all things sexual, including fucking beastkin for her own pleasure until she grew bored of them.

    Though oddly enough, Lu could only faintly smell the familiar stench of the duchess on him. Meaning that, she hadn't been able to play with him like she'd originally intended.

    But even still, the abuse had already been done. Faint speckles of salt lined the dark brown fur around his long eyelashes, showing that he'd been crying and the vomit, most likely his own, was a clear sign of how heavily sedated he'd been.

    So Lu was hesitant to touch him, least she make his wounds even greater should he wake up and think she was taking advantage of him too.

    "But...he deserved to be clean..." She reasoned, steeling herself mentally and simply wanting him to feel better after the hard time he's had.

    So taking a fresh batch of water around her hand like a glove, Lu slowly began to stroke his cock clean, ridding him of any cum or grime that had clung to his form as she gently stroked him as he lay resting on her lap. Carefully, she swirled the water around his tip, and then back down to his heavy sack, her own hand lightly grazing his warm flesh as she went. And steadily, his cock stiffened with her touch, his hips slowly following her hand's lucid pace as she thoroughly washed him clean.

    Once she was done, Lu threw the dirtied water into the forest, her breath labored now as she tried to reign herself back in.

    But she could already feel her heat taking back hold of her body, especially now that his natural scent was returning and flourishing around her with it's heady virile aroma.

    She could feel her core, wet and aching for his cock, having pictured what it'd be like to have that massive girth inside her as she stroked him clean. And shuddered as she imagined him cumming inside her fertile womb, her breeding instinct kicking in as she moaned at the thought of him filling her with his kits.

    Unconsciously, Lu's hands began to wander over his immobile form against her will, her fingers burying themselves the dried plush fur of his toned chest as her other hand lifted to tease an ear.

    She knew she should stop, she knew this wasn't right, but her body wouldn't listen to her and she could only watch on with labored breath as her hands lovingly danced across his form.

    "I'm sorry"

    Buster Neally
    Buster Neally

    Posts : 195
    Join date : 2023-02-16

    Some TLC, ASAP Empty Re: Some TLC, ASAP

    Post  Buster Neally Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:38 am

    Buster wasn't entirely sure when he'd fallen unconscious.

    One minute he'd been being dragged though some sort of drug-induced nightmare landscape and the next he was wrapped in darkness's peaceful embrace. And compared to everything else that had been happening to him since their capture, this was a welcome change. He wasn't being used and assaulted, he wasn't experiencing any horrific hallucinations.

    Just the pleasant feeling of his body finally relaxing. His breathing evened out as he slept soundly, his dreams imagining a soft patch of grass under a shady tree. And there was the unexpected, but not unwelcome sensation of slender hands gently scrubbing him clean of all the shit he had been put through lately. Funny how the subconscious mind had conjured up something he desperately needed right now.

    Nice, soft, gentle hands carefully washing his body with warm water, while his head laid on something soft and warm. It felt a lot like someone's lap, comforting as the phantom hands worked to rid his body of grime and other dried fluids he didn't want to think of right now. A scent, faint at first, tickled his nose and his nose crinkled a bit in confusion.

    The unmistakable scent of an unclaimed female rabbit in heat.

    But at the moment Buster was having a hard time wrapping his mind around the concept. A virgin rabbit girl slave? There was absolutely no way. His mind was clearly playing tricks on him by summoning up some previously unknown hidden fantasy he apparently had. None of his previous partners had been virgins - nor had they ever been anything more than flings - and it had never mattered to him before. None of them had been had ever sparked the desire in him to produce offspring either. It had simply been a way to share mutual pleasure, nothing more.

    But this girl, this sweet domesticated rabbit, was doing the most wonderful things with her hands. Not once had the water been cold or unpleasant, her fingers massaged all of the gunk out of his fur and made him feel fresh and clean. And once she had him most of the way scrubbed, the girl paused as if debating whether or not she should touch his still partially erect cock. After a moment or two, he felt the soothing water and the tentative touch of her hand on him.

    A tiny moan escaped him and he sighed in contentment. For a dream, the boy could feel her touch  with surprising clarity. The way the water swirled around the head, similar to a tongue, before it traveled the length of his shaft and carefully cleansed his sac. The way her hand felt as it stroked him clean - gently at first, then with more confidence. He could feel himself getting harder with her every motion, his hips unconsciously following her movements in a silent plea to keep going, to keep touching him.

    He wanted her, needed her.

    All too soon the sensation of her hand and the water pulled away and his ears picked up a distant splash as if the girl had cast the used water away from them. A tiny sound of displeasure escaped his throat at the lack of her touch and he tried to mentally rouse himself but wasn't entirely successful.

    His senses were finally starting to slowly return to normal, however. The cacophany of noise that plagued his ears had mellowed enough that it was almost entirely birdsong again, the sunshine on his fur was warming him now, and the lap his mind had conjured felt like an actual lap. The hands that had gently scrubbed him clean weren't a figment of his dreams after all, they were caressing him lovingly as if he were something to be treasured. Even after everything he'd gone through.

    It felt good.

    The tough of her fingers as they played with his flopped left ear - the cartilage having been damaged in battle and healing improperly - combined with the strengthening scent of her heat was finally enough to pull him from his state of semi-consciousness. He squirmed a bit, reaching up and rubbing the sleep away, his emerald eyes opening to look up at her.

    The sunlight was above them, shining down and catching her dark, glossy hair as it cascaded all around her like waterfalls. Her short soft fur was an inviting mocha color and it made him want to reach up and touch her. Her teal eyes were a stark contrast to her fur coloring, but they were beautiful and he could get lost in those eyes and never want to be found.

    "A...an angel...?" His voice sounded raspy and thick with fading sedatives, "O-or... a... god..dess?"

    He placed a hand against his temple and briefly closed his eyes as if to steady his thoughts. Then he cleared his throat and deeply breathed in the scent of her heat. It was dancing all around him, alluring, seductive. She wanted him. Even though he'd been delivered to her covered in vomit and dried cum and all manners of disgusting things. Even though he was dirty and used.

    Struggling for a few minutes to force himself into a sitting position, Buster carefully considered his body. His stomach was currently completely empty, so there was no danger of retching anymore. He still swayed and felt a little loopy but with some exercise he could get his blood flowing and clear the fading sedatives from his body. His gaze captured hers as she'd been watching him closely, clearly aroused but holding herself back while he recuperated. His voice came out a little steadier this time, "Are you going to fuck me too?"
    Lucia Ka’Uhane
    Lucia Ka’Uhane

    Posts : 190
    Join date : 2023-02-16

    Some TLC, ASAP Empty Re: Some TLC, ASAP

    Post  Lucia Ka’Uhane Mon Jun 17, 2024 4:53 pm

    At the rabbit's stirring and raspy mutterings, Lu nervously stilled her hands that had been gently caressing him, carefully moving them to fall to her sides as she leaned back to get a better look at him lying on her lap while a small smile played on her lips.

    "A goddess huh? How sweet..." She mused, but didn't dare say anything to him yet while he was still trying to get a grasp on reality.

    While she was currently dying for his touch because of her heat, she didn't want to make him feel uneasy with her, after all it was all too possible that his abuse had left him traumatized and afraid.

    Though it was pretty damn hard for her to stop petting him.

    Now that he was all clean and dried off, he had the most wonderfully plush and silky coat she'd ever touched, and she just loved sinking her fingers into it to play with. While things like Celi and Mimi's fluffy fox tails came pretty close, it just wasn't the same, and his fur was by far her favorite thing to touch now that she'd gotten a taste.

    Perhaps it was because she'd never be able to touch her own fur ever again.

    Due to their collars, none of the girls had been allowed to shift into their beast forms, or even their anthro forms, since they were children living freely in the village. Their master preferring them to stay in their most human looking appearances with only a few of their animalistic features on display.

    So Lu had long forgotten what her own beast form was like, what it like to have fur covering her body or little bunny paws to hop around on, and it was something she greatly missed even to this day.

    But even still she couldn't just say that petting this rabbit had been for memories sake alone, while she loved the feel of his fur, she also couldn't help but admire his whole gorgeous physique itself now that he was clean.

    His fur was a beautiful pale beige with small flecks of slate blue on his shoulders like freckles, and in the warm sunlight he seemed to practically glow with an otherworldly allure. While his hair was a rich chocolatey brown with a striking splash of blue to it, and she wondered just how he colored it, wanting some for herself too.

    And as he groggily sat himself up from her lap, his warmth now desperately missed, Lu got a better look at him now that he was somewhat awake.

    He was clearly much taller than her, possibly over 2ft her height, and he possessed such toned and lithe muscles that she could tell right away that he was made for speed on the battlefield. But what really caught her eyes, aside from his enticing monstrous cock that left her drooling, was the golden piercings that she'd previously overlooked that decorated his body.

    She'd seen the ones adorning his ears, was entranced with them as she'd never seen another beastkin pierced in such a way. But the ones of his chest, pierced through his nipples and even more so his cock, drew her eyes in like a moth to a flame with their bright and glittering display under the sunlight.

    So much that she nearly missed what he'd said to her.

    "Are you going to fuck me too?"

    That question left her brain scrambling for an answer, unsure of how to reply to the beast who'd obviously been used and abused before being dumped on her lap. While she would've loved to fuck him, to have him mount her and breed her, and fill her with his kits the way her body and instincts were screaming at her for.

    She absolutely didn't want to use him, not after everything he's been through.

    So she could only answer him as honestly as she could, her body trembling now with want as she held herself back from jumping his bones.

    "I'd love to fuck you...but only if you'd want too... otherwise I won't say a word about it" She answered resolutely, her hands forming fists in the dirt as she stared into his lovely emerald green eyes.

    Buster Neally
    Buster Neally

    Posts : 195
    Join date : 2023-02-16

    Some TLC, ASAP Empty Re: Some TLC, ASAP

    Post  Buster Neally Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:16 pm

    That question came out strangely, so he couldn't blame her for needing a few moments to think about it. In all honesty, there was really no point in asking such a thing considering that she was clearly in heat and had been the one who had been caressing him. His eyebrows raised in surprise at her answer, having clearly not been expecting her to say such a thing.

    The girl clearly wanted him if the way her teal gaze lingered as it swept over his body. The scent of her heat was intoxicating as it wrapped around him, beckoned him near. And yet, she was trying to resist. Not because she was afraid of him but because she knew what he'd been through and she was trying not to add to his pain.

    Buster gave her a lopsided grin as his left ear flopped with the motion of his head. "Yeah, I want you to." He crawled towards her on his hands and knees until he was in her personal space, "I appreciate the sentiment, but I can see it in your eyes. You don't want to use me the way that others have, right?"

    He wobbled a little when he reached out and stroked her cheek.

    "You won't."

    His voice was confident, even though he was still trying to assert control over what sedative remained in his body. "You'll be giving me what I need - comfort. You can help me forget them by making new memories with me. I want my body to forget theirs and learn yours instead." He leaned forward and kissed her softly, "I need you."

    "Won't you give me what I need?" He asked softly, lips brushing against hers.
    Lucia Ka’Uhane
    Lucia Ka’Uhane

    Posts : 190
    Join date : 2023-02-16

    Some TLC, ASAP Empty Re: Some TLC, ASAP

    Post  Lucia Ka’Uhane Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:42 pm

    Something inside of her snapped as he brushed his soft lips against hers, pleading with her huskily to give him the comfort that he needed, and the pleasure they both sought.

    Shakily, Lu unclenched her hands from the tight fists she'd balled them in as she brought them up to tenderly stroke through the plush fur of his chest, leaning into his kiss before suddenly pushing him back down onto the ground.

    Following his lips eagerly, Lu moaned needily as her tongue slipped in to hotly tangle and dance with his, her legs spread to either side of his hips as she ground her wet and aching core along the underside of his cock, her skirt bunching around her thighs as she moved.

    "If you-if you really mean it then I'd be happy to give you as much comfort as you need..." She started, pulling back a little to look him in the eyes as her lopped ears hung down around him like a curtain. "But I don't just want you to fuck me, I need you to breed me..." Lu told him desperately, hoping he'd still want to go through with it even though it was such a commitment to make.

    But she'd been craving this for years, her body having tormented her with her heat on a near daily basis since the day she'd hit mating age, and it'd been absolute hell since then!

    A young rabbit like her was meant to fuck, to mate, to breed, and with no males around, her needs had never been satisfied. Driving her completely mad with want! She'd made toys of course, similar to ones she'd seen in the duchess's office. But fucking herself with a dildo just didn't sate the aching within her womb, it didn't quench the fire within her blood, or make her shudder with pleasure knowing she was being filled with a virile male's seed.

    Even when the duchess had brought in a plethora of male beastkin, all hot and horny and ready for action, she wasn't allowed anywhere near them, their attention and yearnings to fuck saved exclusively for Lady Sylvia and her alone.

    Hence why when this male had been literally dumped in her lap, bare before her and ready to fuck, having been tossed aside by the duchess, she wanted to grab him by the cock and have her way with him. The only thing stopping her from doing so was her own morel code and the fact that he'd been clearly abused against his will.

    But if he was willing and wanting, just as eager to mate as she was, then she'd happily take that offer. "So will you fill me with your kits?"

    Buster Neally
    Buster Neally

    Posts : 195
    Join date : 2023-02-16

    Some TLC, ASAP Empty Re: Some TLC, ASAP

    Post  Buster Neally Tue Jun 18, 2024 5:52 pm

    Buster gasped in surprise when she pushed him back to the ground on his back, climbing atop him and grinding her already soaked core against his raging hard-on. The wet heat from between hers folds made his hips buck up into hers and his mind screamed at him to bury himself inside her right this second. Her sweet lips crashed down upon his and her soft pink tongue slipped into his mouth to tangle with his. He hadn't been prepared for her to be so bold about this.

    But it'd be a lie to claim he wasn't into it.

    "If you-if you really mean it then I'd be happy to give you as much comfort as you need..." She started, pulling back a little to look him in the eyes as her lopped ears hung down around him like a curtain. "But I don't just want you to fuck me, I need you to breed me..."

    The boy had never had any such interest before, considering none of his previous partners had a sex drive that came close to his. As a rabbit beastkin she was more likely to open her legs for him any time either of them wanted, but that wasn't a solid guarantee that she could keep up. It just meant that she'd be better at it then his previous partners. It was still entirely possible that they might reach a point where she'd beg him to stop and he might not be able to, but they'd figure out what to do when they got there.

    If there hadn't been sedatives still within his body, if he'd had a clearer mind, he might've insisted of talking out what breeding meant for beastkin, and what breeding her meant for each of them. They could've discussed everything first and come to a logical agreement... or as logical as anyone could be while in heat. But the rabbit boy was still a little bit loopy and now incredibly aroused. Explanations were going to have to wait until later.

    He needed her NOW.

    And if she was asking him to breed her it meant she likely knew that meant becoming his mate. She would belong to only him forever and he'd belong only to her, providing for her and giving her as many children as she wanted, and providing for every kit he helped make. Asking an assassin to be a full-time mate and father was kind of a tall order, but right now Buster wasn't thinking of the logistics.

    He wanted her. So he would have her, simple as that.

    And he would keep her.

    "Oh, I'll breed you." Buster said, reaching down to position himself to enter her, "I'm going to give you as many kits as you want." The little temptress gasped as he pushed her skirt to the side and spread her lower lips wide open. He didn't bother to draw it out, knowing they both wanted this desperately.

    The lad pushed his cock inside her slowly, partially to be gentle with her for her first time, partially because the sedatives were still making him a bit sluggish. But they weren't going to stop him from breeding her. He shoved himself in as gently as he could, having to thrust into her to work himself deeper as he guided her hips down onto him.
    Lucia Ka’Uhane
    Lucia Ka’Uhane

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    Some TLC, ASAP Empty Re: Some TLC, ASAP

    Post  Lucia Ka’Uhane Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:07 pm

    Reluctant to pull away from his comforting warm embrace and soft kissable lips, but eager to witness her first time, Lu sat up straight as he positioned himself beneath her. Her heart racing with excitement as she smiled down happily at her new mate, her hands lovingly and eagerly running along his soft trim waist as his bulbous tip began to spread her quivering slit, making her gasp and shiver in his grasp.

    Lu knew that perhaps a good fucking was really all she needed at the end of the day, and that maybe having him breed her wasn't such a good idea, after all the duchess might not be too happy with her getting knocked up. But any rationale she might have had, any foresight that just maybe this wasn't the best idea, may as well have been gutted and thrown out the window by now as a bloody mess. Because the only thoughts racing through the young rabbit's mind right now, now that she had a willing virile male rabbit who could fuck her full of kits, was to BREED, her body screaming at her violently to sate her kind's natural lust.

    Obviously, she knew she'd be getting an ear full for this later for her rash choices. Celi in particular would probably be livid with her that she'd hooked up with a guy she'd just met, the hopeless romantic that she was.

    But could the fox really blame her for this?

    After nearly 3 long years of having to fight off her ever present and agonizing heat by herself, of having to spend long hours awake at night trying to satisfy her aching need with toys and self-play, she was suddenly thrown this handsome and addictively scented beast and somehow she was supposed to not want to jump his bones?!

    That'd just be insane!!!

    No, now that he'd given his consent and agreed to breed her, Lu would enjoy herself and give into her nature's dying demands. Thrilling as she was filled and bred by this strong and fertile male as they both satisfied their bodies fiery needs.

    Bright teal eyes especially were wide and dilated with want, zeroing on his monstrous cock as he slowly entered her, rocking his hips gently so that she could grow accustomed to him bit by bit as she moaned loudly into the wilds.

    But eager as she was to have him completely inside her, especially those delightful looking piercings of his, Lu was having a harder time than she thought she would taking him in.

    Her hips trembled like a new born fawns in his hands as her walls stretched to their limits to accommodate him, the rabbit now realizing she was hardly as prepared as she thought she'd be for him. Though Lu had played with herself for years to sate her urges, her toys no where near this beast's impressive girth, and she bit her lower lip hard as he finally came to what remained of her body's maiden head, his length barely even an inch inside of her after all his gentle rocking.

    "Please just do it, I need you inside me...it hurts so bad~" She pleaded with him, bracing herself for whatever pain he'd give her, so long as it got him fully nestled deep within her womb where she craved for him to be.

    Buster Neally
    Buster Neally

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    Some TLC, ASAP Empty Re: Some TLC, ASAP

    Post  Buster Neally Wed Jul 17, 2024 8:11 pm

    Buster shook his head to try and clear some of the fog from his brain, gripping her hips in place with little effort. This girl was so much tighter than he thought she'd be. Emerald green eyes studied where she was only partially impaled on his shaft and he blinked thoughtfully. She was pleading for him to just do it, but he shook his head again at that.

    "I don't want to risk tearing you apart." He murmured, reaching a thumb to slide against her clit, "If you're going to be my mate you're going to intimately learn the deepest throes of pleasure, so I'd rather having you screaming in ecstasy, not agony." The smooth, strong digit rubbed at her expertly, slipping slightly under the hood to the bundle of nerves within.

    The girl twitched once, twice, trembled in his hold.

    He grinned.

    Her pupils were blown wide as she looked down at him, cheeks flushed red with desire and breasts heaving as he worked her swiftly into an orgasm. All the while he held her in place, feeling her cum hard on his cock as her walls fluttered around him and her juices soaked him. And as she was moaning above him while her body relaxed, he took the opportunity to thrust into her, breaking through the barrier easily while she was mid-orgasm.

    A cry escaped her that sounded like a mixture of pleasure and pain as the boy worked his way into her with shallow thrusts. As long as he kept moving he could get her used to it quickly, rather than ramming himself all the way in at once and waiting for her to adjust. This way he could be certain that he wasn't going to permanently damage her.

    Buster glided his hands up her torso to knead her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples. "That's right, you're doing so well." Unable to tear his eyes away from her writing form he praised her, "You really are such a perfect mate you know, taking my cock like this for your first time. And so, so beautiful too. You should see how pretty you look with your nipples hard and my cock inside you."

    And she was.

    She was the absolute picture of debauchery, glorious and exotic while she rode him like a champ. Maybe it was the sedative messing with his head, but the assassin felt his heart thundering in his chest, beating with a feeling that had been completely unfamiliar to him previously. It made him feel a warmth bloom within him, blossoming into a heady desire to mate with her day and night, to fill her with his kits, and to protect her and their future children. It lit up every fiber of his being with the need to keep her by his side forever.

    But at the same time, Buster was a skilled assassin.

    And as if it were the flip side of the same coin, a darkness grew alongside his desire for happiness with her. He wanted her all to himself, to keep her away from anyone who might be tempted to steal her from him. This girl was going to be his mate. Anyone who tried to harm her or breed her would be met with a violent and grisly death, he'd make damn sure of it.

    But she didn't need to know that her new mate is a professional killer, not yet anyway. That was a conversation best saved for after he filled her with his seed and made her his mate... when it was too late for her to change her mind. Not that she'd ever be in danger from him. It was simply a way to make sure she was only his. He felt himself reach her cervix and thrust against it wantonly. His shaft was most of the way inside her, but he still ached for more.

    He wanted to be fully sheathed inside her.

    But if he was already this deep inside her, could she really take the rest of him? Would she want to try taking him into her womb? Would she be able to handle that? He didn't know and didn't want to push her into it, deciding it was better if she was the one to make that choice.
    Lucia Ka’Uhane
    Lucia Ka’Uhane

    Posts : 190
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    Some TLC, ASAP Empty Re: Some TLC, ASAP

    Post  Lucia Ka’Uhane Fri Jul 19, 2024 6:41 pm

    Lu shrilled as she came hard on his cock, shaking with pleasure as his talented digits worked her into a breathless frenzy by expertly teasing her sensitive clit. Her walls convulsing around him as her juices slid down his shaft in a rush, fluttering and clenching around him, trying to milk him of his seed even though he was only just barely inside of her at this point.

    But it was all the distraction he needed to get the job done.

    All it took was a quick thrust into her with a little extra force behind his hips, ramming his thick tip through what remained of her maiden head smoothly and causing the young bunny to gasp in a pain filled pleasure as he deflowered her fully and slowly began to rock himself further into her moistened depths.

    Truthfully, Lu didn't even know if she'd feel much pain from him popping her cherry, though she did brace for it nonetheless. The lustful bunny had played with herself for years with a good number of toys, and it was hard for her to believe that there was anything left of her virginity by now.

    But his size had clearly proved her wrong.

    Ever curious though, Lu looked down in slight wonder, her breath heaving and shuddering still as she could see a small trickle of blood trailing down his thick shaft. Carefully working his way deeper and deeper into her tight channel with shallow and precise thrusts to keep from causing her any harm, but Lu didn't want any of that, not now that she'd been successfully deflowered.

    In fact, she positively beamed at the sight of him seeping deeper into her channel, her excitement building as her fluffy little cotton tail wagged happily behind her. Eagerly, she tried to move her hips with his, wanting desperately for him to impale himself inside of her now that her barrier was all gone. But his grip on her held fast, only letting her move as he saw fit and she pouted down at him with a huff, letting him know her displeasure.

    Didn't he want to hurry up and fuck her?

    His only response to her was a sharp but painless slap to the ass, his rich emerald eyes smiling at her in amusement as he continued his careful and now painfully slow thrusts into her cunt. His message to her perfectly clear, that he was in charge of this show right now, and that she should just sit back and enjoy herself as he bred her.

    Lu groaned loudly at that, in frustration and need, but also excruciating pleasure as his cock stretched her more and more, beyond what any of the toys she owned could ever manage with just a simple rocking of his hips. While she may have hated that he was taking this so slowly, her impatience to mate getting the better of her, she couldn't very well fight him on it now, not when his cock was doing such sinfully delightful things to her.

    The more he filled her and stretched her to fit his monstrous rod, the more she keened and shivered in his hold. Her frustration easily dying down as he sated her with unholy ecstasy, especially once his studs sank deeper into her channel.

    With his precise thrusts, he would teasingly grind them directly into her quivering walls, the rapture and delight they brought her making her sing their praises to the world as she fell over the edge time and again.

    Those delightful golden bobbles had caught her eye as soon as she'd seen them gloriously lined along the underside of his mighty cock, but she'd never dreamed they'd feel this amazing! That they'd be able to send shivers down her spine and make her toes curl into the dirt as they did.

    But she was overjoyed that they could, and she certainly let her new mate know how much she loved them as she moaned aloud for him, her back arching towards the bright morning sky as she coated the fur of his hips and crotch with her desire.

    The smell of sex radiated heavily in the air around them by now no thanks to her, and even a human would've been able to notice should they pass by. But Lu didn't care at all if anyone, even the duchess, caught them. The smell of their mixed arousal only made her drive stronger as she frantically begged him for more the further he went, mindlessly throwing off her light bikini top and blouse from the heat, the skirt pooled around her hips following not too far behind as she all but ripped the mess of fabric from around her waist.

    As soon as she'd tossed them to the forest floor beside them, she felt the large nimble hands of her lover playfully glide up her slim torso to knead her pert breasts, his touch warm and enticing against her bare mocha skin. But had her keening to the skies as his talented fingers toyed with her, pinching and rolling her nipples until they were hardened little beads in his grasp, viscously edging her closer to nirvana as he made her his sweet little plaything.

    Most women probably would've been begging him to stop by this point she supposed, her clit was too sensitive and her walls were aching, sore from the continuous abuse of his massive girth and being forced to cum so many times. While her throat felt horse from so much screaming, her nerves feeling absolutely shot by now as her limbs and body quivered in delight under his ministrations.

    But Lu was a little different she'd learned, she absolutely thrilled at the pleasure and the pain he was giving her, of the over stimulation that he was putting her through. It made her feel alive! So there was no way she'd beg him to stop. He had to fuck her til she was bred, til he'd pumped her full of his kits, and even then she doubted she'd want him to stop. Her body refused to accept anything less, and she vowed she would milk him dry, even if they both passed out doing it.

    And as she felt him knocking on the gates to her wombs with vigor, his meticulous thrusts having gotten him sheathed so deeply within her virgin cunt, she could feel her deepest chamber relaxing and lowering to welcome him, eager as she was for his load. The thought actually tickled her like no other as she realized with great joy that he was still far from being completely impaled within her depths, and what better way for him to breed her, than to fuck his load directly into her waiting fertile womb?

    Lu's smile was near manic at the thought, and her small hands that had been gripping and clawing at his waist and hips as he forced her to ride him, slipped up his torso until his gold pierced nipples were within her reach. "C'mon now love, you're not stopping there are you? I need you completely inside if you're gonna fuck me full of your kits" She purred, pinching and twisting his nipples with little hesitation, and she grinned as she felt him buck swiftly against her cervix as a result.

    But she knew that wouldn't be enough, he could make his way into her deepest chambers she was sure, he just needed a little encouragement that was all. So leaning down, Lu relished the feel of her heated bare skin against his plush fur and grinned at him as she made a show of licking his own pert nipple before her, teasing the hardened bead and bobble with her tongue before wrapping her lips around them and tugging gently with her teeth, her hips wiggling gently for him invitingly.

    "Just a little more love, I know you can get it all in me, my wombs all hot and ready for you~"

    Buster Neally
    Buster Neally

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    Some TLC, ASAP Empty Re: Some TLC, ASAP

    Post  Buster Neally Sat Aug 10, 2024 7:40 pm

    Time mattered little as Buster took his time enjoying his beautiful new mate.

    His hands glided over her smooth mocha skin with a practiced ease as he forced her to ride him at an agonizingly slow pace. The girl had pouted at him at first - undoubtedly, her desperate heat and lack of experience resulting in the desire for him to just hurry up and fuck her. But the boy had wanted to enjoy everything she'd had to offer, and he was going to make damn sure she felt just how much he was enjoying her.

    After all, he'd been raped by human men every night since his capture.

    Not that he'd even been able to recognize any of their individual faces with how much sedative was in his body at the time, but he had definitely felt it all. Their rough, clumsy hands. Their movements rushed as they just drove into him as if afraid he'd somehow be able to fight back when he was barely functional. If they had actually employed even a modicum of skill, he might've enjoyed it. If they had bothered to make him feel good at all instead of taking turns using him, he might've asked for more. But he'd just been another hole to fuck with a pretty face, so there was no kindness given to him.

    Buster rolled his hips into her, making sure to press his piercings into his mate's inner walls in such a way that had them convulsing again. Her nails were scrabbling for purchase around his waist as her back arched and she cried out hoarsely, cumming hard on his cock again. But if she'd thought he was going to stop just because she had already cum several times, she was mistaken.

    Instead he just kept fucking her through her orgasm, the grin on his face somewhat sadistic.

    I'm going to keep fucking her until she can't feel her legs. The assassin grinned darkly, watching her trembling on his cock as she drenched his already soaked pelvis, She's going to have to beg me if she wants me to stop. Her limbs were trembling from his ministrations, but he had no desire except to keep enjoying his pretty new mate. She'd asked for this after all. And he was more than happy to oblige.

    In fact, he could get used to this.

    But then she had to throw him for a loop and tell him she wanted him all the way inside her. It caught him so off guard that his hips stuttered for a moment and his fingers involuntarily twitched to grip her a little harder. And his fingers hadn't been the only part of him that had twitched. The monster that was already buried deep inside of her had twitched with the desire to bury itself all the way until it filled her womb.

    But wouldn't it hurt? Shouldn't he be making sure she wasn't in any pain after he'd deflowered her out in the open like this for all to see? He was giving her orgasm after orgasm, opening her up and getting her body used to taking in his so that he could breed her as often as she wanted. If anything, he should keep being gentle and work their way up to it since he was so much larger than she was.

    Then again... if they were going to do it, they should do it now.

    By the look on her face, his pretty little mate wanted every inch of him buried so deeply inside her that he'd be battering the back of her womb before filling it with his seed. If that were the case, there'd be no possible way she wouldn't get pregnant the first time he came inside her. But that had been exactly what she'd asked of him - to breed her.

    Well... there was no harm in making sure he'd knocked her up.

    So Buster would give into her whim and fuck her womb. But if he was going to give into that whim, he might as well also give into her desire to speed up. Her hands were toying with his pierced nipples as he shifted his hold on her and started pumping into her faster, the sweet curiosity of her exploring his body making his blood burn for her.

    Her smile was almost manic as the thought of him fucking her womb directly made her clench around him. Buster bucked faster against her cervix, his eyes watching his mate ride him while she toyed with his piercings, plump breasts bouncing faster as he increased his pace. How he had managed to get so lucky, he'd never know.

    When he felt her mouth on his chest and her hips wiggle in his grasp, the boy let go of his self control and slammed into her hard. Once, twice, a third time. And then he felt the head of his cock push past that final barrier as she cried out above him.

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